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Month: January 2012

Mainz, Germany

At the end of my Italy trip last June, I visited two very close friends of mine, Christine and Lisa, at Lisa’s home in Mainz, Germany. Christine and Lisa were grade 11 exchange students from Germany when we ended up in the same art class at Kelowna Senior Secondary. We started hanging out a few months into the term and became pretty much inseparable. I am filled with so many memories of these two. They felt like complete kindred spirits. Since going back to Germany, we have all taken turns visiting each other. They have come back to Canada to visit, and I’ve visited them 3 times in Germany. Two amazing girls with whom I know I will always remain friends, despite the ocean between us. : )

I thought it would be fun to post some photos of the few days I got to spend with them and some of their friends. Of course, being the photographer, I wedged myself behind the camera so you won’t see me in any of the photos below. haha. I really need to hand over the camera a bit more so I’m in the odd photo. I had so much fun capturing these candid moments though.

Love you Christine and Lisa!

Our breakfast every morning was so yummy!Hanging out on the roof of Lisa’s apartment.Toby (below right) had just gotten a new bike so naturally everyone wanted a turn riding it. I’ve always wanted a sweet green bike like this.I love these girls.